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The Ukulele Guild of Hawaii Newsletter October 2001

UGH Business

The membership drive is on-going and dont forget to send in your annual dues. You can use the form provided with the newsletter or print it from the website

A wood seminar with Gabriel scheduled for October 20, 2001. Gabriel will present various species of wood and tips on how to buy wood. Call 847-1541 to reserve a space. It will be held at Gabriels shop at 9:00am.

Norman Takeya and Rudy Tamayo will be heading up the committee to establish the UGH First Annual Ukulele Exhibition. This is the biggie!! An event to celebrate the guilds membership, existence and an opportunity for UGH members to exhibit their finished ukuleles. Imagine an exhibit of ukuleles A great place to smooze and see up close what fellow guild members have crafted. If you have any ideas or would like to participate in this committee call Norman at 834-2222. To pull this event off will require lots of energy, help, and coordination. We're starting early, but time as we know does fly on by.
General membership meetings, its a chance for most of us to match names with faces, make and renew friendships and most importantly talk ukes. Our UGH officers lead by President Miki Browne will establish the actual date and time. We would like to have at least two general membership meetings a year, but if you think we should have more call and let us know your thoughts.

Regional or neighborhood get together will also be planned so you can get to know your neighbors.

Vince Yagi has volunteered to arrange a ukulele sound forum to be held in the first quarter of 2002. Vince will establish the date and time for this event and announce who the uke player or players will be. This sound forum will be your chance to test drive your ukulele by a professional player in a small concert type venue. UGH asks that you all get busy to have some ukuleles ready early next year to be played. Look for the announcement date in our future newsletters. If you would like to help call 847-1541.

If you would like to participate please call any of your UGH officers or Mike at 847-1541. We need volunteers to participate and make these events a reality.

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Troy Ozama and Father making ukulele's in their shop.

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